
วันจันทร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2566

ข้อสอบมาตรฐานชั้น ป.2 - วิชาคณิตศาสตร์ หน่วยที่ 7 รูปเรขาคณิต

ข้อสอบมาตรฐานชั้น ป.2 - วิชาคณิตศาสตร์ หน่วยที่ 7 รูปเรขาคณิต

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22 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. I can only guess that this is perhaps a geometry quiz, but without knowing or being able to understand the question, I cannot answer the questions.

  2. Some of the questions may have to do with geometry? I am basing this off of the fact that there are images of shapes and I was told that this is a math quiz. Other than that I have no idea what the questions are asking and I am unable to answer the questions.

  3. What a wonderful way to experience what our ELL children do and, in turn, reflect upon our own teaching practice with our students who do not have English as their first language. The quiz has no supports in place to help non-Thai speaking people. I was lost taking it! This course should be required for all teachers (specialists included) as any teacher who works with ELL students needs to learn how to accommodate non English speaking students appropriately.

  4. I had no idea what the questions were and how to proceed. Even the directions were in Thai. The pictures and the numbers meant nothing without the context to understand. This quiz offers an idea of what a brand new learner of a language faces in a content course. S/he might be able to solve the problems if only they knew what the directions and questions were asking.

  5. I had no way to understand this quiz. There were no accommodations for students who may not speak Thai. Not only did I not know how to solve the problems, but I could not even understand the directions to even get started. The only reason I would have any idea that this is some type of math/geometry course is based off of the picture.

  6. I could use the diagrams to guess what the question might be asking. For example the question on the top right of the first page is probably about fractions but because I cant understand the language and no strategies or explanations were provided I would be forced to guess.

  7. As stated above, this test is difficult to understand if you are not proficient in Thai. It is a good reminder as educators to be understanding of the language barriers and not grade on proficiency in ELs second language but on their ability to complete or understand the content on the quiz/test. In todays day and age we have tools to translate information into so many language so we can assess knowledge of a specific subject. I am not sure if I could do this test even in english...LOL!

  8. I began the quiz optimistically thinking I had a chance to guess at least one or two of the correct answers using diagrams and whatever visuals were present. After about 30 seconds it became increasingly clear I would be guessing zero correct answers. Without any point of reference it's hard to make any real sense of what is being asked or what each problem is asking. Understandably it's crazy to try and assume any learning or true understanding can come, without the slightest idea of the meaning in language being used.

    (As evidenced by the fact I've submitted this same answer three times now, and each time my answer disappears; Am I hitting the wrong button? That looks like it says "Submit".....nope....must have said delete"

  9. I was able recognize some of the diagrams. However, I really have know idea what they are asking. I would have to guess. This test is a good example of what a student might feel like when provided with a paper/test where they are not proficient in the language. I would only be able to guess.

  10. This Thai quiz made me realize how hard it must be for my ELs.

  11. After viewing this online math quiz, I am unsure of how to "take the quiz", because there doesn't seem to be a way to submit responses. Anyhow, I would only have luck at guessing any of the answers. I have never had exposure to the language it is presented in and even having the knowledge of the subject material, it's impossible to provide a response that I would know to be true. It gives a snapshot of how English Language Learners must feel if they had this task to perform in the role of being unable to answer even if they have learned and know the subject matter.

  12. The only information that i understand on this test are the numbers for each question. I understand how students with little background knowledge feel when faced with the task of reading or comprehending information in a foreign format. Math in and of itself is a foreign language to me. When others are formulating answers and comprehending material, I was always the student that was unable to make sense of the language and content.

  13. Point well made! It doesn't feel good, and that's with no stakes attached. Imagine being graded on something like this or having your college acceptance in the balance because you moved to a place with a different language in your high school years.

  14. I have no idea what this says. I'm glad I can experience how it feels to be an EL student with limited/no English proficiency.

  15. It seemed particularly disheartening being a MATH TEACHER who had no idea what was being asked. Have we been minimizing the role of language (or lack of language) in our content?

  16. Couldn't understand the instructions, or the objective of the question. Very good example of how tough it must be for an EL to fully understand assignments.

  17. This must be so frustrating for an EL to even look at it. I was overwhelmed even opening it and looking at all that was on the paper not understanding even one part of it. I can assumed that it has something to do with geography but I cannot be confident about that.

  18. Not only is the quiz frustrating, so is this site! I just composed a thoughtful response and lost it because I didn't know where to click to submit it. I thought it was the blue button below, but that wasn't the case. This explains a great deal about what our EL students are going through daily.
